
Monday 26 March 2012

Magpie Monday - Bedtime Stories

I can't for the life of me understand why people pay £6, 7, 8 for children's story books.  Not when you can buy beautiful copies second-hand for less than a tenth of the price.  All these books bought this morning were priced between 30-50p.  I'm sure the book stores and authors will have a different view, but still...

Bedtime routine in this house includes a story every night, and then Ruby will ask for a pile of books to be left on her bed for her to flick through until she drops off.

I can often hear her making up her own words to the pictures, or remembering the stories that have been read to her recently.

I always pick up books for her whenever I see them in charity shops, consequently she probably has enough to rival the British Library now.  In fact, I'm surprised the Old Man hasn't introduced the Dewey Decimal System.

She loves to read them over and over, but once she deems them too babyish for her, they are donated back ready for another child to enjoy.  I like to think this cycle will continue over and over.

What have you bought second-hand recently?  Grab the badge and link up.

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  1. I couldn't agree more about buying second hand books for kids. My local charity shop does 5 kids books for £1! My 6yo daughter is an avid reader and gets through 2 or 3 chapter type books a week. I just got her three 'new' ones at the weekend to add to the stash.

  2. It really is amazing how many children's books you can get in lovely condition for a couple of pounds in a charity shop!!

    Jem xXx

  3. Have to agree i rarely buy new books for k theres just so many available in the charity shops my local one does 5 books for a quid absolute bargain! In fact k always asks me when were going to the charity shop and she heads straight to the books when we walk in :)
    And of course all books she grows out of end up being re donated!

  4. Great finds. I so agree- we've found pristine books for pennies. Ramona is obsessed with lift the flap books at the mo- if she can't pull/turn/lift something on the page she is less than impressed!
    Ps My post is more "scavenged" rather then "bought second hand", is this okay, don't want to be a cheeky blighter!

  5. We love our books in this house too and we pass them round our village or drop them off to school/nurseries for other children to enjoy

  6. I'm with you on the books, we have many, many books in our home. The boys have their own dedicated "reading corner" complete with bookcase daddy made in their bedroom. We buy lots and lots from the charity shop and take "outgrown" ones back.
    Love your selection, the twins have several of them too xx

  7. Love all books and like bargains so agree with you totally. Trouble is one charity shop find results in need for another - bookcases and storage. Have linked up this week, a sign of an organised week perhaps?

  8. I totally agree with you - first thing I do at a thrift store is to check out the children's book section. I have found so many treasures - both vintage and brand new. Linking up for the party, thanks for hosting it.

  9. I think every book I own is secondhand! My elder daughter is nearly 24 - my Dad used to bring her 'new' books every week - all bought on his thrifty travels. Bless him - he was charity shopping before it ever became fashionable because he was an expert bargain hunter and never paid full price for anything if he could avoid it. I learned everything I know from him! K is now an English teacher - I just wish Dad had lived long enough to see how her love of books had transferred to a career.

  10. We have a love of second hand books too! My Dad taught me a great love for reading, and I'm trying to pass it on to Boo. He goes through stages where he either wants the same book over and over.. or he will only listen to new ones! So we try to drop them into charity every few months..(and pick up some new ones!) of course the favourites do stay probably longer than they should..infact..they'll probably never leave!

  11. We both found some great children's books! Thanks for the party!!!

  12. We bought (and blogged about) the 'kitten finds a home book' a few weeks ago too! Its such a lovely book, i love the illustrations. I dont think i have ever bought a brand new book for D, all of ours are secondhand.
    Aqeela xx

  13. I'm with you... I love getting second hand books :)

  14. Hey! It's my first time linking up with you. Had to - this post is too right! Just today I picked up 10 gorgeous vintage children's books for $1.00 at a local St Vincent De Paul thrift store. You just can't beat it!

  15. Hi! I have at last a post I can link up with :) Great idea to pick up books second hand as children go through so many of them and they can be so pricey! We love library books too (though you have to give those back of course). You have a great selection there xx
