
Monday 9 January 2012

Magpie Monday - Frugal Fabrics

Morning my little Magpies!  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  After a couple of festive weeks off, Magpie Monday is back and raring to go.  I hope you'll join me in sharing your second-hand finds.

This is a great time of year to visit charity shops, eBay, car boot sales etc as lots of people are getting rid of unwanted presents, duplicate items or simply having a clear out.  Don't forget to take your donations in too.

I don't have a great deal to show you this week, there hasn't been much time for shopping.

I did manage to sneak a quick whizz round my favourite house clearance shop the other day after taking Ruby to the dentist - imagine how thrilled she was!

I pacified her with a huge pencil case full of pens and pencils, then got rummaging in the linen boxes.

I'm still a learner on the sewing front, so I find this a great way to get hold of stashes of fabric for very little money.  If you re-use old duvet covers, sheets, table cloths and curtains, you can get yards and yards of  good quality fabric for a fraction of the price you'd pay in a department store or haberdashery.

I got some pretty pillowcases.

Some flower-power retro pillowcases.

I plan to use these to make more pyjama bottoms for Ruby.  They are really quick and simple to make, and teamed with a plain Tshirt, that's been appliqued to match, I think they look brilliant.  Check out my earlier blog post to see how I made these.

I also grabbed this pretty pair of vintage curtains.  Much too small for most modern windows, I had intended to make a cover for one of Ruby's small bed quilts.  Or I may have a go at making an adult pair of PJs for myself!

Please do take a look back through the blog.  I've finally got settled in our new home and unpacked all my crafty bits, so you may spot a few 'makes' and 'upcycling' projects on the blog from items I've shown in previous Magpie Mondays.  Also, check out my 'Take one Jumper' challenge, and join in with an upcycled project of your own.

What have you been rescuing this week? Grab the badge and link up. x

Me and My Shadow
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  1. I love those retro pillowcases - they'll be brilliant at PJs. My mum and Dad had that set I think, with similar styled wallpaper in yellow!

  2. Great material finds its one thing i always have a look for in the charity shops as like you im a newbie to sewing machines so its a grt cheap way to practice your skills using 2nd hand fabric finds.
    No linkup from me this week as ive not been on any shopping trips the last few weeks but ive a load of stuff to take to the charity shop later this week so might link up next monday if i find owt x

  3. Look forward to seeing what you make from all your lovely fabric finds, Lizzie x

  4. Great fabric finds - you really inspire me
    I'm intending to get the sewing machine out this weekend!
    Thanks for the comment and RT too,
    Ruth x

  5. Quick and simple - that's is my sewing (and attention) level.
    The only thing I tend to finish are curtains from other fabric items.

  6. How I envy people who can sew. I might have to give it a try.

  7. You made some great fabric finds!!! Can't wait to see how you use them. Thanks for the party!!!

  8. Thanks for hosting the party. Love those vintage pillow cases. They make gorgeous jammies!

  9. Fantastic PJ's. I am hoping to receive my first ever sewing machine for my big 50 birthday in june. If I do I will def have a go at making pullups for the twins xx

  10. Enjoyed reading your post! I bought my first proper sewing machine just before Christmas - I'm a complete novice but loving my home-made creations :) Thanks for the ideas of where to get hold of cheap fabric, will definitely be remembering the tip about old duvets and pillowcases, although I have to say I'm fortunate to live not far away from Birmingham Rag Market and am loving the choice and prices there! :) Twitter @pondering_kate

  11. Gorgeous fabrics! I have a real weakness for vintage fabric. Love the PJ's! x

  12. Ooh I wish I could sew, it would open up a whole new world o bargain hunting for me!

  13. I currently make slipcovers, handbags and ready made curtains and other sewing projects I just need direction?
    how can I make my talent work for me. I can sew. I make handbags some clothing slipcovers upholstery. i am not organize to put it all together. I don't have the money to ready made curtains uk really buy materials and tools. I need help
