
Monday 31 October 2011

Country Kids - Trick or Treating

We were so excited about Halloween this year.  At three and a half, it was the first year we'd decided to take Ruby out trick or treating.

Last year she absolutely loved it when the kids came knocking, and dutifully held out the basket for them to fill up on chocolates.

However, we've moved to a new area and I really wasn't sure whether trick or treating was de rigueur here or not.  On my trips to and fro to nursery and out and about I hadn't spotted one single house decorated for Halloween, however, the supermarket had completely sold out of trick or treat sweets - so they must do it, right?

We braved the cold, and all dressed up.  What a scary bunch!

We wrestled with our unfeasibly large pumpkin lantern...

We stuck to the quieter back streets and only called on those houses with pumpkin lanterns on the doorstep.  There were some incredibly well decorated houses.

It was a lovely evening, walking in the fresh air and talking about our day.  We looked at the moon and talked about the stars.  Ruby did really well and it was great to see her confidence increasing with each door we knocked on (we were standing right next to her, but even saying 'trick or treat' was hard for her the first few times).

She absolutely loved it - and not just because she got treats!  She loved seeing all the other children dressed up, loved spending time outdoors at night, and loved her extended time with Daddy - she normally goes to bed pretty much as he gets in from work.

I know a lot of people don't approve of trick or treating.  But as long as children are accompanied, not harassing vulnerable people or playing pranks on people, where's the harm...

*waits for everyone to tell me it's begging and celebrating the black arts yadda yadda...*

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I love little Scooby Doo! and your lantern.

    We went on a 'night bike ride/scoot' as Z wanted to try out his new bike light, but they were a bit scared of the 'scary people'. We had some lovely people come to the door, one even brought sweets for the people handing out sweets, but we did have one lot of about 15 kids who just grabbed loads stuff, which was less nice. I'm a but undecided about it all. :-)

  2. We do the same usually - just the houses of people we know or who are obviously Halloween'd up. Ruby looks very cute as Scoobs. Come and tell me what you think of my pumpkin carving effort ;-)

  3. I think it's great managed sensibly as you have done and lovely to be able to share the evening outdoors together. Thank you for linking your evening to Country Kids. We had a full on procession from Coombe Mill around participating properties which was all organised and lots of fun.

  4. I can just imagine how lovely this was for the children.

  5. Aww I love her scooby-doo costume!! And I love the fact you all dressed up! I have to confess we hide from trick or treaters..but that is only because we mostly get 17/18yr olds who get stroppy when you say no..the little ones never venture this far into the darkness of the lane!x

  6. Completely agree with you. OH came with us this year and she absolutely loved the atmosphere. Was so friendly and fun. We will put more effort into our decorations next year

  7. I toom all my kids yesterday and they had a fab time, got some chocolate covered sprouts from one house though lol

  8. Aww love the costumes Scobby Doo is so cute. x
