
Monday 19 September 2011

Magpie Monday - Yee-ha Grandma

There's definitely an Autumn chill in the air now.  When I packed up all my clothes and waved them off to the storage unit with a teary eye 7 weeks ago, never did I think we'd still be rootless at the end of September.

Today is a huge day for us.  All being well we'll be collecting the keys to our house this afternoon.  Ruby has her settling in session at her new nursery this morning too.

Even though the end is in sight, I know it will still be a while before we're fully moved in and unpacked.  My suitcase of summer clothes I've been dragging around is no longer serving me so well, so I nipped to the charity shop to see if I could pick up anything more seasonal.

First up, I got this nice knee kick Per Una skirt.  Not sure about the velvet ribbon trim - that might have to go, as it's a little twee for me, but still will be a great skirt with a woolly pully and a pair of boots. It cost me £3.50.

Next I spotted this Zara dress.

It was labelled as a size Medium. Now that dress has either seriously shrunk or I've been piling on a few more pounds than I realised.  With only a side zip under the arm, I was not a pretty sight trying to squeeze myself into it, but I did eventually succeed.  It's definitely a wiggle dress, but I think I need to lose a bit of the jiggle before I can pull it off - literally, you should have seen me try to get it off again!!

I also picked up this plain long sleeved brown tee, which I thought I could wear under the aforementioned dress, along with a pair of chunky knit tights. Now I'm not so sure I'll fit anything underneath it!

And finally, my favourite purchase, a pair of tan coloured Top Shop cowboy boots for a fiver.

I loved these so much. In fact there was also a pair of black Office cowboy boots in the same shop.  Myself and Ruby discussed this at length and decided that Daddy wouldn't be too impressed if I bought both, so we settled on the brown ones.

When he came home and saw them his reaction was to shout (loudly)  "Yeeee-ha Grandma". He assures me this is a well known expression and was in no way directed at my advancing years and sudden crop of grey hair.  I'm not so sure.

Ruby now takes great delight in running around shouting "Yee-ha Grandma" everytime I put them on. Which is mildly amusing soon I suspect to be very irritating.

What do you think. Is there an age limit to dressing as a cowgirl?

Please link up - apologies if I can't comment during the day or retweet your posts, but I'll catch up as soon as possible. x

Me and My Shadow
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  1. Hope your important day goes well today!

    Am very impressed with your clothes and boots. (No I don't think there's an age limit to wearing cowboy boots!)

  2. Ahhh. I want your boots! Having extremely fat calves its rare I can find boots to fit. Evans supposedly make bigger leg widths but for some strange reason they only get bigger the larger the shoe size is. To get boots to fit me there I would have to clomp around in size 9EEE boots :/ Not a good look!

  3. Great bargains, Lizzie - particularly love the Zara dress. x

  4. I hope today goes really well! Fantastic find as usual :)

  5. Glad the end is in sight, hope it all goes well. Loving that Zara dress and those boots, great bargains! x

  6. Good luck today. Fingers crossed it all goes well.
    Love your finds, especially the cowboy boots, though I would gone for both!
    YEEHAR GRANDMA, lol xxx

  7. Grt bargains loving the cowgirl boots i had a pair of them a few years back they're fab :)
    Have finally got around to doing a magpie monday post again have linked up but for some reason couldn't add your badge to my post just wasn't happening :~
    Good luck with the new house x

  8. Good Luck with such a big day on all fronts.
    You have such an eye for lovely things.
    I am quite green with envy at the thought of those boots.
    Love the dress too, you clever thing.
    Will post up later over on the Kate on Thin Ice blog.

  9. I love cowboy boots but have never been able to get me some really nice rootin' tootin' ones like these. Great outfit too.

  10. Love that Zara dress and the boots. Of course there's no age limit on cowboy boots. Ridiculous idea! All shoes are ageless. Hope the day went well.

  11. Love the Zara dress. Good find. I love a good bargain. I have linked to your blog hope i have done it properly

  12. Hope your move went ok ! I've had that 'ye-haw' in my head all day , thanks, lol

  13. Congrats on the move! You'll be settled in no time!!! :))

  14. I love those boots, i want a pair! I don't think theres an age limit so don't worry :) xx

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Great buys - love the Zara dress

  17. Wow that's an impressive haul. Might have to try this out myself. Hope the move went well :)

  18. Love all your buys Liz, I would have nabbed them too. Sorry I was not around for Magpie Monday this week, but will be back with a vengeance next Monday! xx

  19. Sorry I missed this post, not been around much but boy2 now finally ensconced in Nursery too, so am hopefully back to regular posts again. CONGRATS on finally having the new place - that is great news. We're still trying to sell ours so I am in tidying and decluttering hell.

    I have a very very similar pink tweed type skirt - without the trim! And I am jealous of the cowboy boots as I have been yearning for some for ages. If anyone called me Grandma in this house they'd think twice before they did it again!

  20. That Zara dress is gorgeous! Very classy. As for the boots, I like them too, and I think the joke that goes with them is funny too! I almost always wear boots, I think in winter they're warm, fairly waterproof and they always look smart. I'd have bough them if I'd seen them. Great buys!

  21. Hi, great charity shop finds! Where do you go for charity shops? Do you have any top recommendations? (don't worry, I'm sure we're not the same size so I won't steal your finds!!)

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