
Monday 12 September 2011

Magpie Monday - Suits you Sir!

Occasionally I come across an item in a charity shop that is just perfect for my home. Something that's exactly what I need, even though I didn't know I was looking for it.  Today's item was one of those moments.

This valet stand had a reserved sticker on it when I spotted it, but that didn't stop me!  I smiled sweetly to the man in the shop, promised him I'd give it a good home and he agreed if the reserver hadn't come to collect it by the end of the week, it would be mine.  Hurrah!

Why did I want/need this stand?  Well, my old man has a very long commute to work each day. This means he gets up at the crack of dawn - in fact now that summer is over, he's getting up before daybreak.

After waking sleeping beauty (that's me) one too many times by stumbling around in the dark, scrabbling through drawers trying to locate socks and pants, or worse, plunging me into blinding brightness by flinging on the light, he agreed there must be another way. My early morning snarling of expletives as he rootled through his box looking for a matching cufflink was having a devastating effect on my sleep quota.

So, he started to prepare his garments the night before.  Meticulously getting out everything he needed for the following day before going to bed.

'Good boy' you're thinking. Well, as you know, my long-suffering fella can't do right for doing wrong. No.  The landing was forever cluttered with suits hanging off door handles, or my pet hate - suspended from the picture rail.  Ties were flung over the banisters.  Enormous shoes lay in wait silently for unsuspecting night-time pee'ers to break their toes on.

My latest purchase solves all these niggles.  Now he has somewhere to lay out his collar stiffeners (seriously, does anyone else in the world still wear these?); cufflinks; watch and all his work garb.

And my lie-ins can continue undisturbed.

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  1. I am as green as your blog with envy: my husband would love this, as would I for the reasons you noted :D

  2. Totally too die for ! I love it, my husband no longer wears suits to work (mores the pity, don't you just love them all dressed up in suits) but I would still love, love, love this in our home. Well done you.

    My eldest has just started Sixth form and he wears the type of classic shirts that have collar stiffeners in them. I have found many of the classic, stylish things are making a comeback. Its all about quality, not quantity these days xx

  3. I found a weird plastic thing on the floor the other day and turned out it was a collar straightener!
    Bet you were pleased that the reserver didn't turn up :)

  4. Too gorgeous! My other half leaves piles of clothes at the other end of the day - this looks like a perfect solution.

    (Apologies for the long name in the linky. I went on automatic... Feel free to edit to just MilkChic)

  5. Yup- my DH wears collar stiffners too. He's pretty good at not waking me up now- I think he has 'learnt' , particularly with the 4am starts. He puts everything he needs ready in his room the night before (usually). That would look beautiful in our 'new house' though - much prettier than a Corby trouser press!

  6. I love it! I would totally have removed the reserved sticker and bought it myself. Lucky you.

  7. Ha ha Glitterazzi - we used to have a trouser press sat in the corner of the bedroom. I loathed it. It was lie living in a dodgy motel!

    Thanks for all your comments, can't wait to get it in situ in our new pad :0)

  8. What a gorgeous find, my husband would love this and he still occasionally wears collar stiffeners, he even has some metal ones which I think must be a tad dangerous! Lovely piece, I will be on the look out for similar now. x

  9. I used to have one of these. My dad made it for us, I think it's in the 'garage of doom' somewhere, as we couldn't fit it in anywhere here! Yours look lovely, and the perfect solution x

  10. I AM your OH - scrabbling for clothes in the morning gloom - I didn't know this was what I needed though, I'm definitely on the look out for one now! I love the way it has a place for everything you need to get ready. Do ones for dresses and skirts exist I wonder? Thanks for linking my post up, and enjoy your lie-ins!

  11. Ahh Molly, maybe you need to have a word with Gidders!!

  12. Lovely to look at AND practical as well - how fabulous is that?! x

  13. Oh I need one of them for my hubs. He gets up at stupid o'clock too and is very cack handed when it comes to rooting around for his clothes in the morning. Hm...I feel an ebay search coming on.

    Madison xxx

  14. This is great! I always love it when things are practical as well as decorative ;-)

    And well done for managing to get it even though it had already been reserved.

  15. That stand does look very useful but also quite interesting to just look at :)

  16. I want one and I want it now. Please leave me this in your will

  17. I can do Kate, but I'm not planning on departing any time soon!

  18. I thought I'd join in this weeks magpie monday, been meaning to for a while now.
    The valet stand is an excellent piece of furniture.

  19. Thank you for letting me link to Magpie Monday, it's my first time. The valet stand is lovely, thanks for reminding us, it never hurts to ask questions.

  20. I've been keeping an eye out for a suitor/valet stand! This is lovely - great find!

    Jem xXx

  21. I still have my eye out for a suitor ;0)

  22. Never be shy to ask to be a reserve buyer.
    Too often things are not claimed and you really needed this! Consider yourself fortunate you have a classy, well dressed man in your life. While I have nothing against farmers and factory workers and construction men - their laundry is a constant challenge.

    And they too hang shirts on any available surface and have big HARD shoes and boots to trip over in the predawn hours.

  23. How odd. I reserved a valet stand but when I went in for it someone had bought it..... :oD

    Nah....I have enough issues with hangers let alone something as posh as this. In my house hubby hangs his stuff behind the living room door of a night. It does look lovely though. It has a great colour to it.

  24. Erm Sue, if it was you I'm very sorry!!

    Could it be a coincidence that this was reserved for another Sue? Erm. I spotted it on Tuesday, he told me it had been reserved for 2 days and to come back on Friday, if it was still there it was mine. I did and it was... *gazes sheepishly at feet* :0)


  25. LOL......Panic ye not. It wasn't me! What a coincidence though...LOL.....hubby is asking why I'm laughing like a loon :D

  26. Oh thank god! PMSL :0) Mind you, that means there's another pissed off Sue out there somewhere!

  27. Haha yes! I know exactly what you mean. They remind me of Alan Partridge. Our Corby trouser press has got (ahem) *lost* in storage....

  28. Great find and great idea! Well done.
    I'm linking up for the first time, found you through the gorgeous Mama Syders!

  29. I'm going to look out for one of those, would be perfect for my very messy 10 yr old's school clothes !
    sorry I'm a bit late for magpie monday !!

  30. Lovely bit of furniture and very practical! Lucky you getting it after all, it's always worth asking isn't it. :O)
