
Monday 8 August 2011

A Week of Blogaversary Celebrations!

Who would have thought it?  This week marks the one year blogaversary of Me and My Shadow.

In some ways it feels like I've been doing this forever. It certainly has become such a huge part of my life now, I don't think I could be without it.  These past few weeks being busy with the house move (yes, that's still all ongoing...) have felt really strange without my regular twitter contact and blog ramblings.

In other ways, I'm still such a newbie.  I still haven't got around to sorting my page out. I'm still on the original bog standard template I started out with.  I never seem to have the time to faff about with the layout.

I want to celebrate being here for one year and some of the achievements I've had already, and also to thank you for sticking with me. So, this week there will be some giveaways from some fabulous companies I've dealt with in the past, and some amazing new ones too.

I hope you'll keep popping back over the week to see what's on offer, and continue to stop by for a read when you can.

Here's my list of self-congratulatory, pat-myself-on-the-back, didn't-she-do-well stuff:

  • Reaching the dizzy heights of No 2 on Wikio Parent Blog ranking - just the one month mind, but I did it! I also managed to reach number 26 or thereabouts on Tots before it all went a bit odd on me.
  • Over 550 Google Friend connect subscribers - seriously, do that many people read my rantings?
  • Nominated for MADS awards.
  • Member of Parent Panel and Assistant Editor for New Mummy Tips.
  • Worked with some huge companies on promotions and initiatives including Tesco, P&G, Johnson & Johnson and British Gas.
  • Supported and promoted some amazing small businesses and met some wonderful people through these partnerships.
  • Become an ambassador for Chuggington, Crufts and Toy Genius.
  • Continue to work with my lovely sponsor Chocadores who supported me to attend Cybermummy and are a constant source of support and friendship.
  • Made a lasting relationship with the Children's Trust and am very proud to support them in my own small ways.
  • Attended Cybermummy for the first time even though I was bricking it (thanks to Kay for being a fab roomy).
  • Devised and hosted Magpie Monday, a successful weekly blog link-up since February.  I'm proud at the success of this and the amount of support this receives and happy that people can use the platform to shout about the virtues of re-use and second-hand. Magpie Monday was featured on the My Zero Waste website which was a real honour.
  • Participate in some wonderful blog-hops including Silent Sunday; Handmade Thursday, Get Crafty, Something for the Weekend and Show me your Stationery - although I have been a little slack lately!
Most of all, I've had so much support; love when I've been down; advice when I've had a problem and friendship from so so many people.   Thank you. Thank you all. x


  1. Happy Blogiversary Me and My Shadow! I didn't realise you were so young, and what a fabulous list of achievements in your first year. You are amazing. Many happy returns x

  2. Is there a good way to say this? It feels like you're always been around. Here's to many more years.

  3. Oooh HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And what a fabulous list of achievements! Go you! Go you!!! And what will your 2nd Birthday Year have in store for you, I wonder :-)

    Maggy xxxx

  4. Happy Blogaversary lovely! I've so enjoyed your online company over the last year! xxx

  5. Wow! Happy Blogbirthday ! Seeing all your achievements written down like that really shows how much you have achieved. Well done you xx

    So now can we get back to business and can we have this weeks magpiemonday post please ; ) xx

  6. Karen - it's coming, hold your horses! LOL

    Thanks everyone, I really apreciate your comments. Here's to the next year :0)

  7. Happy birthday to your blog! And well done on all your achievements - very inspiring x

  8. Woo hoo congrats on your Blogaversary xxx

  9. Happy Blogaversary! You have done so well hun - you should be really proud of those achievements!!

  10. Happy Blog-birthday xx-x-xx

  11. Happy Bloggiebday!! I'm really proud of you and think that you are and rightly should be an inspiration to anyone who ponders about blogging, about whether they can keep it up, as I'm sure most of us do from time-to-time. Huge congratulations and here's to the next year...and the next one...x

  12. Happy anniversary to you and your blog! You've made it into a great achievement, you should be very proud!

    PS I didn't realise you'd only be going a year - even more impressive! It's my 1 year blogiversary this week too. Does that mean our blogs share the same star sign?

  13. Happy First Year although I frankly think you are lying. You seem to have been part of my blogging life forever!!

  14. Happy Blog Birthday!
    You have come a long way, baby!

  15. Happy Blogiversary from me too! WOW only one year and all those achievements xx

  16. Happy Blogaversary! Amazing how time flies and congrats on all of the accomplishments. Sometimes you don't realise all that you've done until you write it out..xx
