
Monday 25 April 2011

Magpie Monday - Jurassic Fantastic

Last week we visited the preview of the Age of Dinosaurs exhibition at the Natural History Museum.

This has sparked a new enthusiasm in Ruby who appears to be doing everything she can not to be a typical girly.  On the way home from the station we walked through town and popped into a couple of charity shops.

After honing her fossil hunting skills on the interactive museum exhibits, she soon sniffed out some dinosaur-tastic bargains.  Over several different shops, she unearthed these plastic figures which cost us between 50p and £1.75.

Then we scanned the bookshelves.  Ruby's head was turned by an unusually large amount of Thomas the Tank Engine books.  Despite her new passion for dinosaurs, her first love is for Thomas.

We has a little debate about what we could buy - there's only so many books I can lug home, plus I'd already spent a fortune in the Museum gift shop.  I picked out these two, which she agreed would be great.

Then she settled down on the floor to read some Thomas books - much to the amusement of the shop assistants, and annoyance of a grumpy old bloke who was trying to look at the stamp collections.  The debate became a little more heated as we couldn't agree whether she should get (yet another) Thomas book, or I'd get to choose a new dinosaur book.  And then...we spotted it.  The perfect solution.

Everyone's a winner! Oh, and if you remember last week's post - do not fear, all these purchases fit into my handbag.

So what's everyone else been thrifting?  Please grab the badge and link up to share your second-hand finds, and please do take the opportunity to visit new blogs on the linky - you might just find a new favourite x

Me and My Shadow
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  1. So want to see that exhibition. It haden't opened when we were there : (
    Twins are totally dino mad too. Milo was also Thomas mad but has gone off the boil with him now sadly.
    I would have loved to have shopped the charity shops in London but the twins were too tired. Maybe t Cybermummy !!

  2. Great bargains - my first entry this week and I am so pleased with my booting skills!

  3. OOh brings back memories - when we were kids we bought plastic dinosaurs at the Natural History funny to find the perfect Thomas Book! well done for fitting them all in your handbag too! (how big *is* your handbag?)

  4. Heeee, I was a Thomas girl myself. I'm hoping Squeaky will be the same, though she seems more interested in Chuggington at the moment. Bah to progress, I say.

    We bought toys this week too, though not handbag sized!

  5. Welcome Emma! Great to have you, so glad you're a carboot convert. x

    Haha TM - I have the biggest handbags in the universe!! Luckily ;0)

    SM - Ruby is alarmingly obsessed with Thomas. I think she's going to be a spotter when she's older. She's already told me she wants to be a train mechanic when she's older LOL

  6. Hi everyone, will be visiting late again, as just had to beg my loptop back from the boot - heading back to London from the valleys now x

  7. The dinosaurs are a bargain, I seem to remember Buster being into those plastic models when he was at nursery and the ELC's versions being v expensive!!! Fab luck with the Thomas/Dino combo. :)

  8. Love the dinosaur finds! I can't wait til Edward likes animals as well as cars.

  9. Great finds ruby!!!
    I wont be linking up this week as havn't had a chance to even go near a charity shop within the last week *sob* .....think im getting withdrawal symptoms lol Cuppa in hand im off to admire what everyone else has brought :)
    Hope you all had a lovely easter btw x

  10. We went there a few months ago & our dino mad boy loved it.

  11. Glad Ruby is getting the bug young. Thomas and dinosaurs are much more fun than girly things.

  12. what a perfect book for Ruby. I love second books, especially children ones. Thanks for the link up!


  13. Thomas AND the dinosaur - I have the biggest grin right now. I love happy endings.
    Good for you sticking to the handbag rule.

    Being a holiday weekend there was only one sale and I did not get that far. The funds went for pet food and a new mop (on sale and eligible for a rebate.) Neither of which will fit in any pocketbook.

  14. Things have sure changed since Dino and the Flintstones!!! Thanks for hosting the party!!!

  15. What a great collection of prehistoric themed finds!

  16. Bet Ruby was thrilled with her Dino's we have a house full...well I do have two boys :-) x

  17. First time I've stumbled across this meme, will definitely join in next Monday. Lovely idea.

  18. Thanks for all your lovely comments.

    I was really pleased with these finds - especially as we were specifically looking for them.

    Mummyneeds - welcome, hope to have you on board soon x

  19. Aah dinosaurs, good girl! We have a ton of those but they have been usurped somewhat by the DSi. I'm a bit sad for them. Hopefully boy2 will get a proper interest soon x

  20. Oh I had to giggle at your Thomas and the Dinosaur find, what are the odds ;-)!

  21. Thomas and the Dinosaur - birlliant (deliberate misspelling - not, but I'm leaving it that way!) Ruby really is going to trump you as queen of Magpie Monday you know - she definitely has 'the eye'.
    Great turn out for MM this week - I am only half way through the posts, hope to get to read and comment on the rest tomorrow. xx

  22. This was the perfect find. I hope you will join my Patriotic Parade in July.

  23. Oh I must go, Little Mr is very into his Dinosaurs at the moment still not speaking but we get some great roars! x

  24. Oh, my 4-year-old son would love all the dinosaurs!
    My link today is to "A tale of 2 extremes". I learned (again) on Saturday that you can't judge a book, or in this case an estate sale, by it's cover!

  25. There is something about dinosaurs - always popular. Even with me! Thomas is also magical and how wonderful to combine the two.
    My finds (sorry I am late!) are over at
