
Monday 21 March 2011

Magpie Monday - Red or Read

It's Magpie Monday time again! Wow this week has flown by, and as I've been busy with party preparations for Ruby's birthday party (more about that later), I've not had much chance for mooching round the shops.

As mentioned in my last post, this weeks Magpie Monday has a theme. Courtesy of Kate the theme, should you wish to follow it is in honour of Comic Relief.  So my items this week are red, and a sneaky one at the end which certainly made me smile with happiness.

If you don't have anything to fit the theme, then remember, it's totally optional- I'd love to see your thrifty finds whatever they may be.

First up, more clothes for Ruby.  As her name lends itself so well, I quite like to dress her in red.  She seems to have had a sudden growth spurt and shot up, so a lot of her clothes recently seem too short.  I really must find a couple of hours to go through her wardrobe and take some stuff to the charity shop.

I found this sweet little smock dress/top on Sunday. I think she'll be wearing it over jeans - leggings are not her friend!

It has a French label, and it's made of nice cool linen-type fabric, with 2 big patch pockets on the front.  I think it's very sweet.

Second top is a basic supermarket label.  But she always needs more long-sleeved Ts as she wears them under everything! £1 in Age Concern.

I also spotted another Mini Boden top in the same shop, so I snapped that up too for £2.

I really love this one. It's cheesecloth type fabric, printed with pink and red roses, and finished with a pink blanket stitch around the hem, and little crosses around the neckline - like I used to do in school.

Finally, as I was at the counter paying for these items, I happened to gaze around to the bookshelf.  My eyes instantly fixed on this book and I let out a little yelp, grabbed it off the shelf and added it to the pile.

Now, this may not seem very exciting to you, but I, along with several other bloggers are undertaking a challenge for Proctor and Gamble.  For one day we have to live like a 1930's housewife and abandon all our modern conveniences.  Like a jobbing actresss, I'm taking this role very seriously and will be researching it meticulously!  Watch this space.

Can't you just see me doing this while the old man lounges in the armchair reading the paper and smoking a pipe.

No, me neither.  I suspect I shall be much more like this:

I'd love you to join in and share your 2nd-hand finds.  Please grab the badge below and add your link.  Or, if you don't have a blog you can post a picture on Twitter using the hashtag #MagpieMonday or link a photo on the blog Facebook page.

Happy thrifting x

Me and My Shadow
Grab my button
and link to my blog


  1. How fab, that sounds like a great challenge. Mind you, much as I love that era, I guess I always picture myself living the Downton Abbey kind of life - definitely an Upstairs girl! I have no desire to do without my washing machine and dishwasher. Hmm, well maybe could manage for a day...

    Love the cute clothes for Ruby. I have several outfits to photograph, but they need to be worn to see any detail as they're all dark, and a) I hate posing b) we're not sure of the settings on the camera. So, just one weeny find to share this week.

  2. I love red! Ive linked up some of my boot sale finds, and have a bit of red in them :o) Scarlett x

  3. Love your finds, particularly that gorgeous Mini Boden top - lovely for the summer. Sorry, seem to have done two linkys by mistake - am hopeless!! x

  4. Fabulous book. I have a 1940s 'Guide to Sex Technique for Every Adult'. Makes fascinating reading. How times have changed xx

  5. Sadly, nothing Red for me, still nabbed a few bargains though!

  6. great finds liz the clothes are fab x
    Love the book and good luck with the challenge thats something i could probably do easily i dont have many household gadgets just the washing machine! no dishwashes etc here ;)
    I dont think i'll be taking part this week as i didnt go for my sunday morning moochie yesterday (much to daughters dissapointment! first thing she said in the morning was are we going to the fun shop) lol
    Ive had a few ebay buys of summer clothes for k but will post them up next week once they've all arrived :)

  7. Love the clothes liz, one thing our charity shops never seem to have is nice childrens clothes.
    As for the books !!! So jealous, what I would give for a copy of that one. Wonderful.

    Hope you are feeling better about the theme thing and know that we all love this magpieMonday (but def don't feel any pressure ) xx

  8. Ooo I love the cheesecloth red rose top, it is very pretty, if they had my size, I would wear it too! I would love to get my hands on your book and look at all the photos from that era, it looks so interesting. Bx

  9. The cheesecloth tops is just gorgeous - absolute bargain too!

    Jem xXx

  10. Lovely clothes for Ruby! What a fab book, bet you couldn't believe it when you spotted it....good luck with the challenge x

  11. The clothes are lovely, I never manage to find any like that. The book looks like a very interesting read too :)

  12. Loving the floral top and the book, fab finds as usual! x

  13. Love the book...Looks Great! I love that era and I'm sooooo gutted I wasn't asked to do the challenge. Cant wait to see how you get on x

  14. Lovely finds as always. The book is right up my street, you lucky thing. I like your third clothing item in particular although the others are fab too.
    I have joined in this week although did think twice as the theme thing seems so have caused such hassle when I never ever meant it to.

  15. Thanks everyone!!

    Just catching up with the rest of the link-ups. Lovey stuff.

    Mumsarcade - you haven't caused any hassle at all! Everything's cool as my DD would say!!


  16. Missielizzie...I tried to post your button but just the code comes up for some reason...I will add your button manually for now...thanks for inviting me over!

  17. Aha my code's gone all wonky again! Sorry folks I'll try and fix. Oops!

  18. A belated link-up from me :)
    You always find such pretty clothes for Ruby. That book is fantastic for the P&G challenge!

  19. Have finally remembered to join in this week! Your finds are lovely and I would love to do that challenge. Already a huge fan of pincurls and cold cream; not sure about the laundry by hand unless of course it's your silk stoockings!

  20. ooh, what a brilliant idea. I Love trawling the charity shops for goodies.
    I recently had a really good haul. I must share soon!!

  21. I absolutely love the idea of living as a 1930s housewife and am sure the book will be useful to you. I remember the days when my mum used to put her wellies on to do the washing because the mangle flooded the kitchen floor. They say women used up far more calories then because of the hard work.
