
Saturday 25 September 2010

Get set for a great night of sleep with Badger Balm

As one who suffered almost 2 years with barely one full night of sleep, I know just how debilitating tiredness can be. Walking around in a fug, snapping and snipping at everyone and unable to string a coherent sentence together.

Even worse then, when your little one finally starts to sleep through, and you find yourself lying there, mind racing, just willing sleep to come.  On nights like these, I turn to my faithful old, not the old man, I am in fact referring to the magic sleep balm.

In our household, the term 'Badger' has become a verb. As in "Oh go on, I can't get to sleep, please badger me"!!  My long-suffering partner has become quite the expert is administering balm to my pulse points, and allowing me to drift gently off to the land of nod.

Rub a little balm on your temples and behind the ears (where you would apply perfume) in small circular motions and the organic essential oils quickly get to work to ease your mind and relax your body.

Even better, they produce a kid's version too so you can ensure your little darlings sleep peacefully.  This is not without its difficulties if you have a slippery little eel of a child like I do. I remember taking her to baby massage classes when she was 6 months old. All the other babies laid there serenely whilst their mummies bonded blissfully and learnt the strokes. I on the other hand spent every week stressed and sweaty chasing her around the room and trying to pin her down as she made swift bids for freedom on all fours!  If you are lucky enough to have a child who will sit still for more than 30 seconds, then using Badger Night-Night balm is a lovely addition to your bed-time routine.

The balms are made from organic olive and castor oil, beeswax and essential oils. You can even see how it is made and exactly what goes into it on their website. How cool is that?!  You can buy Badger Balms online, in larger supermarkets, high street chemists and health food shops nationwide at around £4-£4.50 per tin.

Don't ask me how it works, all I know is that it works for me. A totally natural and safe aid to restful sleep, there's magic in them there little pots.

As a little celebration for reaching 1,000 followers on Twitter, and a two-finger salute to the trolls I am giving away a tin of both balms. To enter, you need to be a follower of my blog. Then, I'd like you to leave a comment telling me what keeps you awake at night - this is not a confessional, I don't need your deepest, darkest secrets! Something funny will do. For example, I am kept awake by the old man's snoring, my daughter demanding drinks at 3am and next-doors flaming wind chimes.

Just a word of warning though, if you are kept awake at night because you are a bad person, then Badger won't help you my friend. That's just bad karma so don't bother entering :0)

For a bit of added fun for me, you can get an extra entry by tweeting about the competition.  To bait Barry the badger bot, please tweet "I want to badger you to check out @missielizzieb 's blog & win Badger Sleep Balm" Please leave an additional comment to say you've tweeted and leave your twitter ID.

Closing date is midnight Friday 01 October and the winner will be picked at random and announced on Saturday. Open to UK only, sorry. Good luck x



  1. Hello! My husbands snoring keeps me up at night, LOL :)
    Following your blog x

  2. my neighbours keep me awake, both sides play terribly loud music till 3-4 am alternate nights. it drives me mad

  3. tweeted too @melspur

  4. You know what, we could really do with some of this right now! Snot keeps us awake at night at present... oh, and the thought of spiders creeping around at night.

  5. I'm kept awake by the owls hooting in our garden:)


  6. I'm kept awake by OHs snoring (I would imagine the neighbours are too!) as well as a new baby!


    Have tweeted too x

  7. I feel tired all day and then when it's time to sleep, I'm wide awake! Will tweet too @polly1548

  8. It's the breastfeeding baby who keeps me awake

  9. Squeaky's teething keeps me awake at night. And her. And SqueakyDaddy. And probably half the street.

  10. My weird ass dreams keep me awake.... you know the ones that carry on after you've woken for a few seconds/minutes? No? Just me then! lol

    Thanks for the giveaway hun. This is perfect for me.. all joking aside, sleep deprivation is a thorn in my side right now!

    Will tweet in a tick xx @mummiafelice

  11. Just tweeted @mummiafelice xxx

  12. I'm kept awake by having 2 dogs who can't ever settle until they've taken up the whole bed!

  13. I get kept awake at night by the cats. They wake up and try to wake us up by climbing on the bedside table and scratching off the wallpaper. This is quite effective at both waking me up and trashing the decorating!

  14. Oh my goodness i'm having such a problem sleeping at the moment and have never heard of this before!!

    My son has just started junior school and my daughter has just started infant school so i think all the worry of that has affected my sleeping pattern (hubbys snoring doesn't help either but a swift kick usually shuts him up lol)

    There's nothing worse than laying there trying to fall asleep when everyone else is asleep!

    Thanks for such a fab giveaway, i think i'll be getting some whether I win or not!! :)

  15. oh thats sounds exactly what i need will retweet best regards @mrstracey1972

  16. Just tweeted aswell @grannysmither

  17. my dog who has doggy dementia and has turned day into night

  18. have tweeted too as helga16 thanks x

  19. Like lots of others, OH's snoring, or any little problem that's going round in my head.
    Have tweeeted @karmaperle

  20. My darling daughter... mummy my blanket has fallen off, I go in and its only moved down the bed, too lazy to pull it up herself

  21. If my daughter (age 43 with 2 kids of her own!) has any problems, I lie awake worrying for her.
    When do they stop being your baby?

  22. Hubby prodding me in the back..

  23. Oh, and the mice who come into the attic for the winter wear hobnail boots I reckon!

  24. Drunks in the street at the weekend having arguments and generally making a lot of noise - i must be getting old, lol!!!

  25. have tweeted too!! hope i have done it right, im new to all this!!
    Twitter id is emmabarron

  26. My silly dog keeps me awake. He wakes up and gets in a tizz even though we leave the light on for him !

  27. whoever goes to the bathroom at night and leaves the door open!!!! my room is directly opposite it!!!!

    my mam snoring....and my dog snoring!!!

    should move out really lol xx

  28. The cat's insistence on bringing mice in for midnight fun and frolics is what keeps me awake these days.

  29. Also tweeted this (ID is kevstanley66)

  30. My Boyfriend!!!
    But i'm not complaining

  31. I'm kept awake at night because I have insomnia. Boooooooooooooooooo!

    I've RT my username is @Beckicklesie

    Becca x

  32. My own snoring keeps me awake! :(

  33. I stay awake at night worrying that I am going to sleep in, in the morning!

  34. Various things keep me awake: our cat throwing up because he's bored, my husband's snoring, my son tantrumming at 3am for example. I miss sleep and will have to invest in some of this wonder cream :O)

  35. i'm such a light sleeper any noise and i can't sleep at all, i would love a good night sleep.

  36. My Brain!! My thoughts won't stop whizzing!

  37. I wake up early in the morning and think about all the things I could be doing in order to get the kids off to school on time. I wish I could organise myself to turn over and go back to sleep!
    Have RT too!

  38. Sadly everything at the mo! I'm panicking about silly things that I can do nothing about in the middle of the night - but it doesn't stop me worrying about them!

  39. ooo doing competitions are keeping me awake, making sure i enter all the ones i want

  40. The only thing that keeps me up is deciding if I should go back to work or not after maternity leave!

  41. I follow you

    My daughters snoring from the next room keeps me awake!

  42. My son-in-law being in Afghanistan is keeping me awake at the mo ..:o(


  43. My neighbour has taken to having phone conversations in his garden at midnight! It's really starting to drive me mad and keeps me awake. As if that wasn't bad enough he has a really annoying Glaswegian accent (apologies Weegies)!!

  44. Have tweeted too (@justforcomps)

  45. my hubbys snoring when hes had a few drinks hehe

  46. My lovely husband snoring

  47. The last day of the month always keeps me awake, it involves my hobby ;-) Good luck with the blog.
    Followed and tweeted @rubyroox

  48. My hubby keeps me awake - with his snoring lol!

  49. It's usually my husband snoring, but being 9 months pregnant it's now a combination of heartburn and my baby sticking its bum in my ribs!

  50. Boyfriend snoring, thinking way too much or there are always the noisy people over the road!!!

  51. Sleep well when OH away - not great when hes at home - SNORER!!! tweeted too @cabincrew73

  52. Students have just moved in next door and the seem to have a didgeridoo of all things, which they bring out just as I am nodding off :)

    But hey, we were all young once, eh? So I just put the pillow over my head and wait till the fun subsides.

    I'd love to try this Badger Balm, to see if I could sleep through the didgeridooing next door, but also because I am looking for organic and eco-friendly products to review on my blog Molly and the Princess

    tweeted as @msmollylouise :)

  53. It has to be my parner snoring! I refer to him as sounding like a cow on a motorbike or I call him buffalo bill because he sounds like a buffalo!! Once he starts there is no escaping it I have tried suffering and sleeping on the couch but the noise travels through the walls. Its even that bad im sure ive heard upstairs bang on the floor. So im begging you please can I try the badger balm, I havent had a decent sleep for ages and I just want to go deep into the land of nod and if I snore all I can say revenge is sweet!!!

  54. I'm kept awake by my OH insisting that the two pet Tarantulas, sleep in the same room. Dont worry they are in tanks, but the nightmares!!!

  55. I'm kept awake by my 1 year old who has not slept through the night since he was born :(

  56. At the moment I am kept awake by my 9 day overdue baby kicking me! Not complaining just wish I could meet him xx Tweeted as @Bobbity666
