
Friday 13 April 2012

A Roaring 20s night out with Future Cinema

Get yourselves down to the Art Deco delights of the Troxy in Limehouse this month and grab yourselves a date at Fat Sam's while you can.

Future Cinema are hosting a series of special Bugsy Malone experiences, including afternoon matinees for budding gangsters.

A rip-roaring extravaganza of speakeasy silliness, you really don't want to miss it.

We went along to an evening performance sans kids and had a ball.  From the moment you step foot inside the renovated old cinema, you are whisked back to 1920s American prohibition.  Up the dark staircase into the secret underworld of extravagance and exuberance.  Practise your Charleston beforehand and go raid your nan's wardrobe of her pearls and furs.

Drunk? How very dare you!  This is Prohibition don't cha know.

I simply can't think of a better way to let off steam than custard-pieing someone it the face!

He's SO got it coming.

Here are my tips for getting the very most out of the experience:

Get there early.  The best seats and front tables fill up quick, and you want to be downstairs for the most interactive experience.

Dress up.  Seriously, you'll be the odd one out if you don't.  Besides, getting weird looks on the DLR in your spats and tassels is all part of the fun!

Mooch around.  There's so much more going on than just what's on stage.  Get involved, go to the bar, enjoy some food, watch the gambling... it's hard to tell who's an actor and who's a spectator!

Be prepared.  Check under your seat to make sure there's a waterproof poncho before the finale - you don't want to find out too late!

Learn your lines.  If like me you haven't seen the film for many moons, it's worth refreshing yourself beforehand, at least on some of the big numbers so you can sing along.

Hang around.  Wait til after the showing of Bugsy Malone and the chaos has calmed and enjoy some 20s dancing at the end.

Take some flowers.  If you want to keep Tallulah sweet that is.

Follow the mayhem on Twitter @futurecinema #futurecinemabugsy

Finally, have fun.  You can't not really.

Glad I'm not on clean-up duties

The kid's matinee shows are at 12:30 on Friday 13th; Saturday 14th; Sunday 22nd and Sunday 29th April.

Disclosure: We received a pair of tickets for the purposes of this review, however all opinions are my own.

Linking up with Family Frolics over at Multiple Mummy.


  1. This looks fantastic, it really does. You look like you had roaring time Liz! ;)

  2. Haha thank you! It really was one of the BEST nights out ever. x

  3. That looks like fabulous fun and I love your costume!

    Thanks for sharing on Family Frolics.


  4. Sounds like a fantastic night out, and you two make a perfect gangster and his moll :) x

  5. Oh that looks fabulous and I love your outfit!
